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Donald Trump's support among African-American voters has plunged to a new low -- and the New York Daily News wanted to make sure the Republican presidential candidate knew it: Tomorrow's front page ORANGE IS NOT THE NEW BLACK: Only 1% of African-Americans...

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Tag(s) : #U.S. Voting Rights, #United States, #Voting Rights, #Voting Rights Act, #voting rights act of 1965, #voting rights act supreme court, #voting rights advancement act, #voting rights for blacks, #Voting Rights Voting

i am twenty, queer, non-gender conforming, trans, black, mentally ill, and despite being college educated and situated in america, i do not expect to live long. the news reminds me to be realistic. in 2012 police officers killed an average of two black...

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Tag(s) : #police

Labor activists and other progressive folks in the South have four brand-new reasons to cheer: a United Auto Workers triumph in Chattanooga, the rare criminal conviction of a coal mining boss in connection with the death of miners who worked for him,...

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